Modular Hygienic Interlocking Walling System to provide large or small workplace solutions. Lightweight Tooless Easy Fit System that can reconfigured.
Where can I use Everpanels to effectively implement social distancing

Medical Care & Hospital Uses
Use our Temporary Hygienic Interlocking Walling Systems to create Walls, Treatment Rooms, Nursing Stations, Temporary Ward Bed Walls, Corridors and Health Assessment Pods
Hygienic and completely reconfigurable with its easy fit interlocking system.

Office & Desk Workplaces
Create the New Normal Office Floorplans to help with safe social distancing in large open plan specs by making viewable working POD's, Modular Office Meeting Rooms, Team Areas, High Office Dividers, Office Demarcation Walling and Unmanned Footfall Separation Walls or Dividers

Factory & Warehouse
Create areas designated for safe working in the factory or warehouse and open. Such as an individual working POD, safe staff Screened Breakout Areas, Cafeteria Screen and Walling, Modular Manufacturing Rooms or Spaces or High Footfall segregation walling in entrances and exits.

Educational & Learning Solutions
Everpanels can successfully be deployed to create temporary walling in classrooms and footfall flow management dividers and social distancing walls in schools.
School Teachers and staff can adjust their staff-rooms for segregation and safe breakout area can be achieved by using Modular walling systems for larger spaces such as the Hall or Gym areas.

Public Venues and Services
Create safe foot flow as people visit vital everyday travel and information service venues from Libraries to Airports; from Museums to Train Stations.
Areas can be demarcated using our Public space divider walling to create social distancing safe areas are modular and can be designated and changed as needed around the premises.

Retail & Service Providers
Shops, Stores, Restaurants and High Street Services providers such as: Vets, Hairdressers, Beauty Therapy & Grooming, Pet Care etc can employ individual treatment booths or walls for segregation of customer
Large open retail spaces can be utilized to provide the PopUpShop experience using the Everpanels walling including doorways, counters and even changing rooms.

Easy Fit Modular Tooless System
Installing EverPanel is a relatively simple processes that involves laying out your floor-plan, moving panels into position, and utilising the right connectors to fasten panels together in the configuration required.
Two people can install about 100ft of wall in approximately 45 minutes, meaning that entire offices can be build from scratch in a single day, using a small team.
Design "New Normal" Layouts for Safety at Work
Having the ability to create corridors, rooms, desk pods, meeting rooms, partitioned areas, low level demarcation spaces is flexible and cost effective way to create safe distances and foot traffic flows.
All panels can be wiped down, reconfigured due to their modular nature, and repositioned as the ongoing needs of the business or space change.

Partition Off Areas
- Easily Partition Areas Temporarily and then Reconfigure for future use.
Temporary Dividers and Walls
- Construct temporary Divider Walls and Partitions easily and without the need for Tools